Tangle Network
Pallets and Precompiles
Collectives Pallet

Collectives Pallet in Tangle Network

The Collectives Pallet is a key module in the Tangle Network that provides the functionality to create and manage decentralized organizations or collectives. It allows for collective decision making by a set of members where proposals can be made, voted upon, and enacted.

Overview of the Collectives Pallet

The Collectives Pallet operates on the concept of a "collective". A collective is a group of members that collectively make decisions. Each collective has a predefined set of members, and decisions within the collective are made based on the voting of these members. The collective manages proposals, where each proposal consists of a specific action to be executed when approved.

Use Cases

The Collectives Pallet enables a variety of applications in the realm of decentralized governance. It can be used to form decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), to establish a multisig wallet, to manage treasury funds, and more.

The use of the Collectives Pallet ensures a democratic, decentralized decision-making process, which is a key principle of blockchain systems.

Remember, the Collectives Pallet is a significant part of the Tangle Network that enables the formation and operation of decentralized collectives. From proposal creation to voting and decision making, it fosters a collaborative approach in managing and governing blockchain applications.

Creating a Collective

A new collective can be created by calling the create_collective function:

let members = vec![alice, bob, charlie];
let collective = Collectives::create_collective(members, vote_threshold);

In this case, members is a list of account IDs that will be the members of the collective, and vote_threshold is the minimum number of member votes needed for a proposal to be approved.

Making a Proposal

A member of a collective can make a proposal by calling the propose function:

let proposal = Call::some_module::some_function(args).into();
let result = Collectives::propose(sender, members_needed, proposal);

Here, sender is the account ID of the member making the proposal, members_needed is the minimum number of votes needed for the proposal to be approved, and proposal is the proposed action to be executed when the proposal is approved.

Voting on a Proposal

Members of a collective can vote on a proposal by calling the vote function:

let result = Collectives::vote(sender, proposal_index, approve);

Here, sender is the account ID of the member voting, proposal_index is the index of the proposal to vote on, and approve is a boolean indicating whether the member approves or disapproves the proposal.

Closing a Proposal

A proposal can be closed, meaning it can be finalized and enacted (if approved), by calling the close function:

let result = Collectives::close(sender, proposal_index);

Here, sender is the account ID of the member closing the proposal, and proposal_index is the index of the proposal to close.

If the proposal received enough approvals (based on vote_threshold during the creation of the collective and members_needed during the proposal), then the proposed action will be dispatched for execution.

Removing a Member

A member can be removed from the collective by calling the remove_member function:

let result = Collectives::remove_member(sender, removee);

Here, sender is the account ID of the member making the request, and removee is the account ID of the member to be removed.